Saturday, August 7, 2010

AGAIN Chapter 8 :Light

As we live through thousands of dreams in our present life, so is our present life only one of many thousands of such lives which we enter from the other more real life and then return after death. Our life is but one of the dreams of that more real life, and so it is endlessly, until the very last one, the very real the life of God.

Leo Tolstoy

We cannot underestimate the power of white light. This might sound like a hokey idea but I really feel it works. I was asked to describe it and whether it was like florescent lighting. That is absolutely not of what I think. Imagine fusing a white pallet with light. I guess it is like a meditation. As an exercise, imagine you are immersed in it or surrounded by the white light. Imagine it is going into your DNA. It has a healing aspect to it.

An unexplainable white substance appeared near my brain-stem at a very traumatic period following one of my brain surgeries. Everybody, surgeons included, was concerned about it. I do not perceive this sudden appearance as a bad thing. If I could have, I would have told everybody to relax. I think that it was an important facet of my healing journey. If I am considered a “medical mystery” now, and I am, it would not make sense to me to omit this unknown white substance as contributing to the term. I believe I inadvertently saved myself. Rather than viewing the white substance as hurting my progress, I think it helped. I have never discussed my impressions with anyone involved but I am more than willing to do so. An open mind and heart is all that is required. I am sure that what I have to say is unscientific but I have a very educated background so perhaps that will lend credibility to what I have to say.

I think of white light every time I have surgery (which is fairly often now), a procedure or if ever I feel that I am in jeopardy. Beyond a prayer, I feel it works immediately. Also, I am not waiting for any kind of divine affirmation or intervention. It feels active and instant to me, not passive. It can work over time, so it does not help to repeat it but of course one could. It cannot hurt to think of white light. If there is an honest leap of faith, it might be worth trying. All this might sound like wishful thinking but if I can help others in any way, I am more than willing to do whatever it takes. I am sharing this out of hope and as usual, I am willing to bear a burden of criticism.

At death, it is said we move into the white light. A popular belief holds that white light is mystical. It is associated with the unknown and other-worldly. “Perhaps they are not stars, but rather openings in heaven where the love of our lost ones pours through and shines down upon us to let us know they are happy.” To me, light can be love and healing.

I recently told a physiotherapist I have known for years that I thought of white light when I had a procedure that involved seven needles or injections into my left arm. Mostly, the procedure was to reduce my involuntary shaking. It hurt. The physiotherapist asked if I cried and was very surprised when I said that I did not. I have absolutely no problem with crying, so for me, it was an indication that white light can provide protection. There was pain but I did not cry. I would have cried if I had felt like it. If one thinks that a flu shot is bad – well, imagine this. Thinking about white light was comforting to me. Even though my mother was present and I felt very supported, there was something about white light that I trusted. One thing does not replace the other. To me, it is separate and white light can be vital. My integration of white light is not a substitute for anything, it is an amalgamation or addition.

The injection procedure sounds quite dramatic. However, I always call upon white light with the same intensity when I clean my ears. Not as dramatic, but I treat the event as important enough to do this. No needles, no pain at all; an everyday occurrence that most everyone can relate to. For me, white light is a habit like brushing my teeth.

So, white light can be used at any time, under most circumstances. We decide what is important or not. I doubt that white light will eradicate monsoons, earthquakes or tornadoes – natural disasters feel out of reach – but you never know. Trusting in white light is like going with a gut feeling – it is a leap of faith.